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英语新闻︱教材插图已重绘!示例公布Twenty-seven people have been punished by the Ministry of Education for dereliction of duty after textbook illustrations published by the People's Education Press caused public uproar for being ugly and containing inappropriate material, the ministry said on Monday.8月22日,据教育部网站消息,教育部公布了关于人民教育出版社小学数学教材插图问题的调查处理通报,对有关单位及27名失职失责人员进行严肃追责问责。此前,人民教育出版社(简称人教社)第十一套小学数学教材部分插图人物形象比较丑陋、线条绘制和元素选择不当,引起公众愤怒。Huang Qiang, Party chief and head of People's Education Press, was given serious warning and demerit, while the Editor-in-Chief of the publisher Guo Ge was removed from the post, issued a serious warning and demerit, the ministry said in a release.教育部发布通报,给予人民教育出版社党委书记、社长黄强党内严重警告、记大过处分;给予总编辑、时任党委书记郭戈党内严重警告、记大过处分,免职处理。Two other people were also removed from their posts and 17 others were given disciplinary punishment, the release said.另有2人受到免职处理,17人受到相应纪律处分和组织处理。Tian Huisheng, director of the ministry's Department of National Textbook, was issued warning and demerit by the ministry. Five other officials at the department were also given disciplinary punishment.教育部发布通报,给予局长田慧生党内警告、记过处分;给予分管负责人等5名相关人员相应纪律处分和组织处理。Three people, Wu Yong, Lyu Min and Lyu Jing and their studios that were responsible for designing the textbook illustrations, are no longer allowed to design national textbooks.此外,教育部对插图作者、设计人员作出相应处理,不再聘请吴勇、吕旻、吕敬人及其工作室从事国家教材设计、插图绘制等相关工作。The cartoon illustrations in math textbooks used by primary school students caused an outcry after they were posted by netizens in May and hashtags on the illustrations became top trending topics on social media platforms for days.今年5月,人教社出版的一套小学数学教材因插图画风怪异,引发网民强烈抗议,也引起舆论对学生教材审核问题的关注。Many people found the images offensive and unpleasant as students had small eyes, weird facial expressions and smiles, and readers could even see the shape of male private parts through the pants of the illustrated boys.许多网友指出,教材中不少插图令人不适,人物眼神奇怪,面部表情怪异,一些细节刻画疑似出现隐私部位。Headed by senior officials of the ministry, it launched a thorough investigation into the incident.教育部党组高度重视,对该事件进行了认真调查核实。The investigation found that the illustrations were "not beautiful and uplifting" and did not conform to public aesthetic habits. Some of the illustrated figures were "ugly" and did not reflect the bright and uplifting image of Chinese children.经查,教材插图“不美观向上”,整体画风不符合大众审美习惯,部分插图人物形象比较“丑陋”,没有恰当体现出我国少年儿童阳光向上的形象。Certain illustrations had mistakes and some may have caused misunderstanding, the release said.经查,个别插图存在错误,容易引人误读。The publisher's selection process of illustration designers was not thorough and well-regulated, its reviewing process was not strict and it did not value reader's suggestions, the ministry said.教育部表示,插图作者遴选制度不健全不规范,教材三审三校制度落实不严格,对读者意见不重视。The ministry's Department of National Textbook did not give enough review, guidance and supervision on textbooks, it added.教育部指出,教育部教材局在组织专家开展教材审查时,指导不足、监督不够。In a separate release, the ministry said the publisher has finished re-doing the textbook illustrations and all new textbooks will be available before the new semester begins in September.据教育部网站消息,人教社已于日前完成小学数学教材插图重绘工作,将全力确保2022年9月新学期课前到书。The new illustrations have been revised seven times and reviewed three times and approved by the National Textbook Committee, the release said.教育部表示,插图绘制前后经过7次修改,完成3次送审,已经国家教材委员会专家委员会审核通过。The ministry has asked 350 experts to conduct comprehensive review of all 2,487 sets of textbooks used by primary and secondary school students.教育部组织国家教材委专家委员会近350位专家,对中小学在用的359套2487册国家课程教材等进行全面审读。记者:邹硕dereliction英[ˌderəˈlɪkʃn]美[ˌdɛrəˈlɪkʃən]n.无主,抛弃物; 溺职disciplinary英[ˈdɪsəplɪnəri]美[ˈdɪsəpləneri]adj.有关纪律的; 惩戒性的illustration英[ˌɪləˈstreɪʃn]美[ˌɪləˈstreɪʃn]n.说明; 例证; 图解; 插图