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英语新闻∣研究:走路可预防痴呆症,步速比步数更重要Walking 3,800 to 9,800 steps a day may lower the risk of dementia in middle-aged and older adults, a new study suggests. Walking at a pace of 112 steps per minute for 30 minutes a day was the most effective, reducing dementia risk by 62 per cent, the study showed. People who want to reduce their risk ofdementia should focus on walking speed rather than distance, researchers believe.一项最新研究表明,每天步行3800到9800步可能会降低中老年人患痴呆症的风险。研究显示,每天以每分钟112步的速度行走30分钟效果是最好的,可将痴呆风险降低62%。研究人员认为,想要降低患痴呆症风险的人更应关注走路的速度,而不是走路的距离。Want to reduce your risk for dementia? Slap on a step counter and starttallying your steps -- you'll need between 3,800 and 9,800 each day to reduce your risk of mental decline, according to a new study.想降低患痴呆症的风险吗?一项新研究表明,每天走3800至9800步可降低智力退化的风险。People between the ages of 40 and 79 who took 9,826 steps per day were 50% less likely to develop dementia within seven years, the study found. Furthermore, people who walked with "purpose" -- at a pace over 40 steps a minute -- were able to cut their risk of dementia by 57% with just 6,315 steps a day.研究发现,40岁至79岁之间每天走9826步的人在七年内患痴呆症的可能性降低50%。此外,那些以每分钟超过40步的速度走路锻炼的人每天只走6315步就能将患痴呆症的风险降低57%。"It is abrisk walking activity, like a power walk," said study coauthor Borja del Pozo Cruz, an adjunct associate professor at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense, Denmark, and senior researcher in health sciences for the University of Cadiz in Spain.研究报告合著者、丹麦欧登塞南丹麦大学副教授、西班牙加的斯大学健康科学高级研究员博贾·德尔·波索·克鲁兹称:“这是一种轻快的健走锻炼。”Even people who walked approximately 3,800 steps a day at any speed cut their risk of dementia by 25%, the study found.研究发现,每天以任意速度行走约3800步的人患痴呆症的风险也会降低25%。"That would be enough, at first, forsedentary individuals," said del Pozo Cruz in an email.克鲁兹在一封邮件中称:“对于久坐不动的人来说,这就足够了。”"In fact, it is a message that doctors could use to motivate very sedentary older adults -- 4k steps is verydoable by many, even those that are less fit or do not feel very motivated," he added. "Perhaps, more active and fitter individuals should aim for 10k, where we see maximum effects."“事实上,医生可以以此激励久坐不动的老年人。4000步对于许多人来说都是可以做到的,即使是身体不好或缺乏动力的人。也许,更积极、更健康的人应该以10000步为目标,这样效果最好。”But there was a even more interesting result buried in the study, according to an editorial entitled "Is 112 the New 10,000?" published Tuesday in JAMA Neurology.9月6日发表在《美国医学会神经学杂志》上的一篇评论文章称,研究中还隐藏着一个更有趣的发现。文章题目为《步速112和日行一万步的效果一样吗?》The largest reduction in dementia risk -- 62% -- was achieved by people who walked at a very brisk pace of 112 steps per minute for 30 minutes a day, the study found. Prior research has labeled 100 steps a minute (2.7 miles per hour) as a "brisk" or moderate level of intensity.研究显示,那些每天以每分钟112步的速度行走30分钟的人痴呆风险降低最多,达62%。此前的研究将每分钟100步的步速定义为“轻松”或中等强度的锻炼。The editorial argued that individuals looking to reduce their risk of dementia focus on their walking pace over their walked distance.这篇评论认为,想降低痴呆风险的人应该注重步速而非步数。"We do agree this is a very interesting finding," said del Pozo Cruz via email. "Our take is that intensity of stepping matters! Over and above volume. Technology could be use to track not only number of steps but also pace and so these types of metrics can also be incorporated in commercial watches. More research is needed on this."克鲁兹在邮件中称:“这是一个非常有趣的发现。我们认为步速比步数更重要。不仅应该对步数进行监测,还可以开发监测步速的技术,将此应用到运动手表产品上。这方面需要更多的研究。”dementia英[dɪˈmenʃə]美[dɪˈmenʃə]n. [医]痴呆tally英[ˈtæli]美[ˈtæli]vt. 测量,计数brisk英[brɪsk]美[brɪsk]adj. 轻快的sedentary英[ˈsedntri]美[ˈsednteri]adj. 坐着的;(指人)不爱活动的doable英[ˈdu:əbl]美[ˈduəbəl]adj. 可做的,可行的