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英语新闻︱中台办宣布对列入清单的一批“台独”顽固分子等人员实施制裁Beijing sanctioned seven "Taiwan independence" die-hards on Tuesday in response to the Democratic Progressive Party-led Taiwan authorities' collusion with lawmakers from the United States in challenging China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.8月16日,中共中央台办发言人受权宣布对列入清单的一批“台独”顽固分子等人员实施制裁,以回应民进党当局与外部势力勾连挑衅,损害中国主权和领土完整。In a statement issued on Tuesday, a spokesperson for the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee said it was decided that Hsiao Bi-khim, Koo Li-hsiung, Tsai Chi-chang, Ker Chien-ming, Lin Fei-fan, Chen Jiau-hua and Wang Ting-yu would be listed as die-hard "Taiwan independence" separatists, and punitive measures would be imposed against them.中共中央台办发言人宣布,将萧美琴、顾立雄、蔡其昌、柯建铭、林飞帆、陈椒华、王定宇等为列入清单的“台独”顽固分子,并对他们采取惩戒措施。They join Su Tseng-chang, You Si-kun and Joseph Wu Jau-shieh, who were already on the list after being sanctioned in November.去年11月公布的苏贞昌、游锡堃、吴钊燮也在制裁名单上。Among those sanctioned, Hsiao Bi-khim is the island's "representative" to the US who promoted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's provocative visit to the Taiwan region earlier this month, which was strongly opposed and condemned by China.其中,萧美琴是台所谓“驻美代表”,近期极力推动佩洛西窜台,遭到了中方强烈反对和谴责。The spokesperson said those sanctioned and their family members would be barred from entering the mainland and the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao. Institutions they are affiliated with would be restricted from carrying out cooperation with relevant organizations and individuals on the mainland.发言人表示,中方将禁止被制裁人员及其家属进入大陆和香港、澳门特别行政区,限制其关联机构与大陆有关组织、个人进行合作。Enterprises related to them, as well as their sponsors, would also be barred from engaging in profit-making activities on the mainland. Other punitive measures would also be taken against those sanctioned. They would be held accountable for life, according to the law, the spokesperson said.发言人说,中方还将禁止其关联企业和金主在大陆谋利,以及采取其它必要的惩戒措施,依法终身追责。Sanctions would also be imposed on the president of the "Taiwan Foundation for Democracy," and the secretary-general of the "International Cooperation and Development Fund". They would be banned from entering the mainland and the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao, according to the spokesperson.发言人表示,中方决定对“台湾民主基金会”的执行长、“国际合作发展基金会”的秘书长实施制裁,禁止其进入大陆和香港、澳门特别行政区。You Si-kun is chairman of the "Taiwan Foundation for Democracy".Joseph Wu Jau-shieh is chairman of the "International Cooperation and Development Fund".游锡堃和吴钊燮分别是“台湾民主基金会”和“国际合作发展基金会”的董事长。Saying that the names of die-hard separatists announced so far were only part of a longer list, the spokesperson warned die-hard "Taiwan independence" separatists to avoid going further down the wrong path.发言人强调,此次公布的“台独”顽固分子名单,不是清单的全部,正告“台独”顽固分子要悬崖勒马。"No one should underestimate our resolve, will and ability to defend China's sovereignty and territorial integrity," the spokesperson said, adding that Taiwan compatriots should be fully aware of the few "Taiwan independence" separatists' nature of harming Taiwan, and should know where their own interests and well-being lie.发言人说:“任何人不要低估我们捍卫国家主权和领土完整的坚强决心、坚定意志、强大能力!”发言人还强调,希望广大台湾同胞认清极少数“台独”分裂分子的害台本性,看清自身利益福祉所系。"We hope compatriots in Taiwan will consciously make a clean break with 'Taiwan independence' separatists, resolutely resist and oppose actions advocating 'Taiwan independence', and join hands with compatriots on the mainland in advancing the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations and the process towards national reunification," the spokesperson said.发言人指出:“我们希望广大台湾同胞自觉与“台独”分裂分子划清界线,坚决抵制、反对“台独”分裂活动,与大陆同胞携手推动两岸关系和平发展,推进祖国统一进程。”Luis Delgado, a researcher at Venezuela's Center for Advanced Studies in Development and Emerging Economies, said a series of policies the Chinese government put forward to benefit the Taiwan region have greatly assisted cross-Straits economic and trade exchanges and significantly promoted the economic development and well-being of people on the island.委内瑞拉新兴经济体发展高等研究中心学术研究主任路易斯·德尔加罗表示,中方一系列惠台政策极大促进了两岸经贸交流,推动了台湾地区经济发展,增进了人民福祉。Despite this, Democratic Progressive Party authorities have been colluding with external forces and "seeking independence by relying on foreign support", which has caused tensions in cross-Straits relations, he said.路易斯·德尔加罗说,民进党当局却持续勾连外部势力,“挟洋谋独”,造成两岸关系紧张。Wang Shushen, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences' Institute of Taiwan Studies, said the punitive measures on diehard "Taiwan independence" separatists sent a clear signal that the mainland will use a tool kit of measures to resolutely oppose and deter various kinds of separatist activities.中国社科院台湾研究所台美关系研究室主任汪曙申认为,有关惩戒措施释放的信号清晰明确,即大陆方面坚决反对和遏制形形色色的“台独”分裂行径。With the sanctions having been implemented, organizations related to the die-hards would be notorious worldwide, thus more organizations, enterprises and individuals will consciously break with them, Wang said.汪曙申表示,有关措施实施后,“台独”顽固分子关联机构的恶名将为全世界知晓,将有越来越多组织、企业、个人看清这些机构的“台独”政治背景和本性,自觉与他们划清界限。记者:莫竞西新华社对本文亦有贡献punitive英[ˈpju:nətɪv];美[ˈpjunɪtɪv]adj. 处罚的,惩罚性的;令人受苦的bar英[bɑː(r)];美[bɑːr]v.阻拦,禁止;(用铁条或木条)封,堵n. 条,块,棒,带;酒吧,柜台;小吃店;栏杆;电热棒;(球门)横梁;障碍;(乐谱)小节;出庭律师;(气压单位)巴;功能条prep.除了…以外deter英[dɪˈtɜː(r)];美[dɪˈtɜːr]v. 威慑,吓住;阻止