英语新闻 |研究发现:女性多吃香蕉、三文鱼,有助降低高盐饮食负面影响

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英语新闻|研究发现:女性多吃香蕉、三文鱼,有助降低高盐饮食负面影响Eating foods such as bananas, avocados and salmon could help reduce the negative effects of salt in women’s diet, research suggests.研究表明,摄入香蕉、牛油果和三文鱼等食物有助于降低女性摄入盐的负面影响。The study found that potassium-rich diets were associated with lower blood pressure, particularly in women with high salt intake.研究发现,高钾饮食与降低血压有关,尤其是在高盐饮食的女性群体中。Researchers say their findings indicate the mineral helps preserve heart health, and that women benefit more than men.研究人员称,他们的发现表明,钾有益心脏健康,而且对女性的益处大于男性。Study author Professor Liffert Vogt of Amsterdam University Medical Centers, in the Netherlands, said: “It is well known that high salt consumption is associated with elevated blood pressure and a raised risk of heart attacks and strokes.荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学医学中心的李福特·沃格特教授是该研究论文作者,他表示:“众所周知,高盐饮食会增加患高血压、心脏病和中风的风险。“Health advice has focused on limiting salt intake, but this is difficult to achieve when our diets include processed foods. In our study, dietary potassium was linked with the greatest health gains in women.”“重点是限制盐的摄入,但食用加工食品时很难实现这点。我们的研究发现,钾的摄入对女性的健康最有益。”The study included 11,267 men and 13,696 women, which recruited adults aged 40 to 79 from general practices in Norfolk, UK, between 1993 and 1997.这项研究对象包括11267名男性和13696名女性,该研究在1993年至1997年间从英国诺福克的普通诊所招募了40岁至79岁的成年人。Everyone completed a questionnaire on lifestyle habits, their blood pressure was measured and a urine sample was collected. Urinary sodium and potassium were used to estimate dietary intake.每个人都完成了一份关于生活习惯的问卷调查,测量了血压并采集了尿样。尿钠和钾用于估算钠钾摄入量。Researchers analyzed the link between potassium intake and blood pressure, and found that potassium consumption (in grams per day) was associated with blood pressure in women. As intake of the mineral went up, blood pressure went down.研究人员分析了钾摄入对血压的影响,发现钾摄入(以克/天为计算单位)与女性血压相关。随着钾摄入的增加,血压下降。When the association was analyzed according to salt intake, the relationship between potassium and blood pressure was only observed in women with high sodium intake.当分析盐摄入量与两者关系时,钾对血压的影响仅在钠摄入量高的女性中能观察到。Overall, they found that people who had the highest potassium intake had a 13% lower risk of cardiovascular events compared to those with the lowest intake. When men and women were analyzed separately, the risk reductions were 7% and 11%, respectively.总的来说,他们发现钾摄入量最高的人与钾摄入量最低的人相比,发生心血管疾病的风险降低13%。当对男性和女性单独进行分析时,风险分别降低7%和11%。The amount of salt in the diet did not influence the relationship between potassium and cardiovascular events in men or women, the researchers found.研究人员发现,男性或女性的盐摄入量并不影响钾与心血管疾病之间的关系。Prof Vogt said: “The results suggest that potassium helps preserve heart health, but that women benefit more than men.沃格特教授称:“研究结果表明,钾有益心脏健康,但女性比男性受益更多。”“The relationship between potassium and cardiovascular events was the same regardless of salt intake, suggesting that potassium has other ways of protecting the heart on top of increasing sodium excretion.”“无论摄入多少盐,钾与心血管疾病之间的关系都是相同的,这表明钾除了促进钠的代谢外,还有其他保护心脏的方法。”The NHS recommends that adults aged 19 to 64 need 3,500mg of potassium a day, and should be able to get this from their diet.英国国家医疗服务体系建议19至64岁的成年人每天需要从食物中摄取3500毫克钾。Foods high in potassium include vegetables, fruit, nuts, beans, dairy products and fish. For example, a 115g banana has 375mg of potassium, 154g of cooked salmon has 780mg, a 136g potato has 500mg, and one cup of milk has 375mg.钾含量较高的食物包括蔬菜、水果、坚果、豆类、乳制品和鱼类。例如,一根115克香蕉含钾375毫克,154克熟鲑鱼含钾780毫克,136克土豆含钾500毫克,一杯牛奶含钾375毫克。Tracy Parker, senior dietitian at the British Heart Foundation, said: “This research supports current advice that cutting down our intake of salt and eating more foods containing potassium can be the recipe for a healthier heart.英国心脏基金会的高级营养师特蕾西·帕克说:“这项研究支持了目前的饮食倡议,即减少盐的摄入,多吃含钾食物有益心脏健康。”“An easy way to boost your potassium intake is by eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Other foods like pulses, fish, nuts, seeds and milk are also high in potassium and low in salt, so can help benefit your heart.“增加钾摄入的一个简单方法是每天摄入五份水果和蔬菜。其他食物,如豆类、鱼、坚果、种子和牛奶,钾含量高,盐含量低,因此对心脏有益。”“However, keeping healthy isn’t just about monitoring what’s on your plate.“然而,保持健康不仅仅是控制饮食。”Limiting your alcohol intake and staying physically active will also help to lower your blood pressure, reducing the risk of a heart attack or stroke.”“限制饮酒和保持运动也有助于降低血压,降低心脏病发作或中风的风险。”The findings are published in the European Heart Journal.该研究成果发表在《欧洲心脏杂志》上。potassium英[pəˈtæsiəm];美[pəˈtæsiəm]n. <化>钾mineral英[ˈmɪnərəl];美[ˈmɪnərəl]n. 矿物; 矿石; 矿物质; 汽水cardiovascular英[ˌkɑ:diəʊˈvæskjələ(r)];美[ˌkɑrdioʊˈvæskjələ(r)]adj. 心血管的