英语新闻 | 南京通报:玄奘寺供奉侵华日军战犯牌位事件调查处理情况

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英语新闻|南京通报:玄奘寺供奉侵华日军战犯牌位事件调查处理情况A woman has been put under criminal detention for commemorating Buddhist memorial tablets of Japanese war criminals in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, which has angered numerous Chinese and led to heated discussion in the country.江苏省南京市一名女子因供奉侵华日军战犯牌位被刑事拘留,此举令无数中国人感到愤怒,并在全国引起热议。The woman, Wu Aping, commemorated five Japanese war criminals and Wilhelmina "Minnie" Vautrin. The woman detained said she was trying to free herself from a nightmare that had haunted her since she learned of the atrocities by the invading Japanese army during the Nanjing massacre, according to the investigation team formed by the Nanjing government in a notice issued Sunday night.吴啊萍在玄奘寺供奉五名侵华日军战犯和美国人明妮·魏特琳。据南京市政府调查组在7月24日晚发布的通知中称,据吴啊萍供述,自从她到南京了解到侵华日军战犯的暴行后,产生心理阴影,并长期被噩梦缠绕。Wu, born in 1990, came to live in Nanjing in 2000 and worked in a hospital in 2013 before she quit the job to become a layman of a local temple in 2019. She paid 3,000 yuan ($444) for commemorating the five war criminals and Vautrin at the Xuanzang Temple from 2018 to 2022.吴啊萍出生于1990年,2000年迁至南京居住,2013年进入南京某医院工作,2019年辞职去成为当地某寺庙当居士。自2018至2022年,她花费3000元在玄奘寺供奉五名侵华日军战犯和美国人魏特琳。Wu confessed to police that she had been haunted by nightmares for years after learning about the massacre, especially what the five Japanese war criminals had done to the Chinese people.吴啊萍向警方供述,在她了解到南京大屠杀,尤其是五名日本战犯对中国人民的所作所为后,长期被噩梦缠绕。She therefore had developed the wrong idea of "relieving resentment" and "putting herself out of misery" by commemorating them at a Buddhist temple.在接触佛教后,她产生了通过供奉五名侵华日军战犯“解怨释结”、“脱离苦难”的错误想法。She also wanted to "help the soul" of Vautrin after learning of her kindness of saving Chinese during the massacre but who committed suicide for PTSD when she went back to the US.吴啊萍在了解到美国传教士魏特琳女士在侵华日军南京大屠杀期间保护女性的善举,因受战争刺激,回国后在家中自杀后,想通过供奉帮其解脱。The investigation team confirmed that Wu had visited the hospital three times for insomnia and anxiety since 2017 and took sedative and hypnotic drugs for treatment.经调查,吴啊萍自2017年以来曾因失眠、焦虑等症状,先后3次到医院就诊,并服用镇静催眠药物。Wu was detained for suspicion of the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble on Friday.7月22日,吴啊萍因涉嫌寻衅滋事罪被公安机关刑事拘留。The abbot of Xuanzang Temple, Li Yijiang, was replaced by the bureau of ethnic and religious affairs of Nanjing's Xuanwu district, and the operation of the temple has been suspended to correct its misconduct.南京市玄武区民宗局已撤换玄奘寺主要负责人李义将职务,责令玄奘寺停止日常活动,并会同相关部门立即对其进行整顿。At least nine officials have been held responsible for the incident, including Party chief and director of the Nanjing Ethnic and Religious Bureau and two deputy directors of the bureau.对南京市民宗局党组书记、局长和两名副局长在内的9名官员依纪依规依法作出严肃处理。The Nanjing Massacre took place on Dec 13, 1937. The Japanese troops killed more than 300,000 Chinese civilians and unarmed soldiers over a six-week period, according to Chinese historians.南京大屠杀发生在1937年12月13日,日本战犯在6周内杀死了超过30万中国平民及战俘。Of the five war criminals commemorated, Matsui Iwane was one of the Class-A war criminals held responsible for the Nanjing Massacre. Hisao Tani, a Class-B war criminal, committed hideous crimes during the massacre.在被供奉的五名日本战犯中,松井石根是日本陆军大将,甲级战犯,南京大屠杀的主要责任人之一。谷寿夫,日本陆军中将,在南京大屠杀中犯下了骇人听闻的罪行。Takeshi Noda was a Class-C war criminal who participated in a "killing 100 people competition" with Mukai Toshiaki in Nanjing, and Tanaka Junyoshi killed more than 300 unarmed soldiers and civilians with a saber.野田毅是一名丙级战犯,在南京与向井敏明进行了骇人听闻的杀人比赛,野蛮砍杀中国军民105人。田中军吉携军刀砍杀平民逾300人。 detention英[dɪˈtenʃn];美[dɪˈtenʃn]n. 拘留,监禁; 放学后留校atrocity英[əˈtrɒsəti];美[əˈtrɑːsəti]n. 暴行,残暴; 滔天罪行massacre英[ˈmæsəkə(r)];美[ˈmæsəkər]n. 大屠杀,残杀; (牲畜的)成批屠宰vt. 屠杀,残杀; 损害,毁坏; <口>彻底击败; <口>惨败misconduct英[ˌmɪsˈkɒndʌkt];美[ˌmɪsˈkɑndʌkt]n. 行为不正,不规矩; 处理不当; (尤指官吏等的)胡作非为,渎职hideous英[ˈhɪdiəs];英[ˈhɪdiəs]adj. 令人惊骇的; 极其丑陋的,可怕的; 丑恶的,讨厌的; 媸