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英语新闻︱国防部:人民解放军绝不姑息分裂行径The People's Liberation Army will never tolerate "Taiwan independence" acts or any interference from outside forces and will firmly smash such actions, said Senior Colonel Wu Qian, a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense.国防部新闻发言人吴谦大校强调,对于“台独”分裂行径和外部势力干涉,中国人民解放军绝不姑息,坚决反制。Wu made the remark at a news conference in Beijing on Thursday while responding to a request for comment on Taiwan authorities' recent claims that the PLA crossed the "median line" in the Taiwan Straits several times and "sabotaged regional peace and stability".28日下午召开的国防部例行记者会上,吴谦针对台湾防务部门日前声称解放军战机多次越过所谓“海峡中线”,“严重破坏区域和平稳定”一事作出上述回应。The spokesman said that there has never been such a thing as a "median line" in the Taiwan Straits.吴谦强调,两岸之间根本不存在所谓的“海峡中线”。"The very root of the current tensions and turbulence in the Straits lies in the collaboration between the 'Taiwan independence' forces and some foreign parties," Wu said. "The ruling Democratic Progressive Party continues to seek 'Taiwan independence' and make provocations. The external forces keep attempting to play the 'Taiwan card' to contain China. They are the very saboteurs of the peace and stability across the Straits."吴谦表示:“当前,台海形势紧张动荡的根源是‘台独’势力和外部势力勾连作乱。破坏台海和平稳定的恰恰是不断谋‘独’挑衅的民进党当局,恰恰是企图‘以台遏华’的外部势力。”The spokesman said the PLA will use strong countermeasures, stressing that "actions are the most powerful responses".吴谦强调,解放军绝不姑息,坚决反制,“行动是最有力的语言”。"The related parties had better get used to (the PLA's actions) and reflect on their own. More important, they had better learn how to 'stop their running horses in front of the cliff edge'," he said.吴谦说,有关方面要学会适应,学会反思,更重要的是学会悬崖勒马。When commenting on the United States' recent moves concerning Taiwan, Wu said the Taiwan question is purely an internal affair of China and brooks no interference from the US.针对美国近期在台湾问题上的种种举措,吴谦表示,台湾问题纯属中国内政,不容美方干涉。The Fiscal Year 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, passed recently by the US House of Representatives, would, if enacted, authorize the US military to carry out joint exercises with Taiwan's armed forces and invite Taiwan to partake in its biennial RIMPAC naval exercise. In addition, the US government approved a new round of arms sale to Taiwan.近日,美国众议院通过了《2023年国防授权法案》,据日前公布的草案,法案将授权美军与台湾进行联合演习,并邀请台湾参加两年一度的环太平洋军事演习。美国政府近期还批准了新一轮对台军售。The US has been playing a two-faced game with China on the Taiwan question for a while, according to the spokesman.吴谦说,一段时间以来,美方说一套、做一套。"They are dangerous acts of playing with fire and will gravely impact the diplomatic and military relations between China and the US, seriously compromise peace and stability across the Straits, and greatly increase the risk of armed confrontations between the two countries," Wu said.“这种玩火行径非常危险,将严重冲击中美两国两军关系,严重危害台海地区和平稳定,严重推高中美军事对抗风险。”吴谦表示。The senior colonel said it is a fundamentally important mission for the PLA to prevent the motherland from being split and to finally unify the nation. The Chinese military is always determined and ready to safeguard the nation's sovereignty and territorial integrity, he added.吴谦说,统一祖国、制止分裂,是中国人民解放军的神圣使命。中国人民解放军将一如既往,坚决捍卫国家主权和领土完整。smash英[smæʃ];美[smæʃ]v. 打碎;撞击;猛击;扣球n.打碎;撞车;扣球;十分走红的歌曲turbulence英[ˈtɜːbjələns];美[ˈtɜːrbjələns]n. 骚动,骚乱; [物]湍流;(海洋、天气等的)狂暴;动荡countermeasure英[ˈkaʊntəmeʒə(r)];美[ˈkaʊntərmeʒə(r)]n.对策,反措施partake英[pɑ:ˈteɪk];美[pɑrˈteɪk]vi.参加;参与;吃