英语故事︱吉卜力公园门票预售已开启 动漫迷可以圆梦了

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英语故事︱吉卜力公园门票预售已开启动漫迷可以圆梦了Fans of "My Neighbor Totoro," "Kiki's Delivery Service," and other films from the legendary Studio Ghibli, will have a new destination to add to their travel bucket list later this year.带有传奇色彩的吉卜力工作室出品的《龙猫》、《魔女宅急便》等电影的粉丝们今年晚些时候将在自己的旅行清单上增加一个新的目的地。Ghibli Park, opening November 1 in Japan, will be a fever dream of a theme park for anyone who has ever watched the studio's beautiful and often surreal animated films and wanted to step into the worlds they build.对于任何一个看过吉卜力工作室制作的美丽梦幻的动画电影的人来说,即将于11月1日在日本开业的吉卜力公园是一个让人热切期待和向往的主题公园。The Ghibli canon is heavy on themes of nature, friendship, strong female characters, flying machines, destiny and bravery. Their aesthetic is naturalism meets steampunk, sprinkled with its own proprietary formula of magical realism.吉卜力作品多以大自然、友情、坚强的女性角色、飞行器、命运和勇敢为主题,其美学源自自然主义和蒸汽朋克的碰撞,再佐以魔幻现实主义的独家配方。Ghibli Park is located in Aichi Earth Expo Memorial Park, less than two hours from Kyoto by train. The theme park will be about 17.5 acres when completed. (One acre is roughly the size of a football field.)吉卜力公园位于爱知县的爱·地球博纪念公园内,从京都乘火车不到两小时可抵达。这座主题公园竣工后占地约17.5英亩(1英亩约为1个足球场大小)。When it opens in November, three of the five planned areas will be ready. The main one is Ghibli's Grand Warehouse, an indoor facility that will house artifacts and exhibits from films including the Robot Soldier from "Castle in the Sky," the Catbus from "Totoro," and another recreation out of the "The Secret World of Arrietty."当吉卜力公园11月开业时,规划的五个园区中将有三个准备就绪。第一个主题园区是“吉卜力大仓库”,这个室内设施中将陈列着来自多部电影的工艺品和展品,包括《天空之城》中的机器人士兵、《龙猫》中的猫巴士,还有再现《借东西的小人阿莉埃蒂》世界的布景。A second area, "Hill of Youth," features the antique shop from "Whisper of the Heart" and another recreation from "The Cat Returns." And the third is Dondoko Forest with a full recreation of Satsuki and Mei's house from "My Neighbor Totoro" and a Totoro-themed playground.第二个园区“青春之丘”包括来自《侧耳倾听》的古玩店和还原《猫的报恩》场景的建筑。第三个园区“龙猫森林”中将能看到《龙猫》中小月和小梅居住的房屋,还有龙猫主题的游乐场。One of the two areas that will open later ("after 2023," the park's press office said) is Mononoke Village, referencing "Princess Mononoke" and her adventure among large forest animal gods.后期会开放的两个园区(据公园的新闻办公室称将于“2023年之后”开放)其中之一是“幽灵故里”,将会以“幽灵公主”和她与山兽神的冒险故事为中心。The other is the Valley of Witches, which will include some parts from the trippy "Howl's Moving Castle," and the more sweet "Kiki's Delivery Service," about an earnest and hardworking young witch.另外一个园区是“魔女之谷”,将包括《哈尔的移动城堡》的一部分迷幻景观,还有《魔女宅急便》中和认真勤奋的小女巫有关的甜美场景。If you go to Ghibli Park, don't expect a Catbus roller coaster, Kiki's broomstick "Avatar"-style adventure or a Ponyo Under the Sea ride. "Take a stroll, feel the wind, and discover the wonders," the park's site offers as an alternative.如果你要去吉卜力公园,不要指望那里会有猫巴士过山车、乘坐琪琪扫帚的沉浸式冒险,抑或是波妞的海洋之旅。该公园的网站上写道,你能做的是:“漫步徜徉,感受微风,发现神奇。”Think immersion and prompts for imagination rather than pyrotechnics and stomach-turning thrills.也就是说,你要全身心地去体验,发挥自己的想象力,而不是依靠各种烟火表演和惊险项目来刺激你的感官。Tickets are available online as of August 10 for dates beginning November 1. Reservations are required, as there will not be day-of tickets sold.11月1日起的入园门票将从8月10日开始在网上预售。门票将需要预定,因为不出售当日票。You must buy separate tickets for each attraction you want to visit.除了门票外,每个景点还需要单独购买门票。The most expensive of the three is Ghibli's Large Warehouse. Tickets cost ¥2,000 ($15) for adults and ¥1,000 ($7.50) for children on weekdays. On weekends and holidays, that price is ¥2,500 ($19) for adults and ¥1,250 ($9) for kids.三个园区中门票最贵的是“吉卜力大仓库”,成人平日票价为2000日元(约合人民币100元),儿童平日票价为1000日元。周末和节假日的成人票和儿童票价格分别为2500日元和1250日元。英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网翻译&编辑:丹妮surreal英[səˈri:əl];美[səˈriəl]adj. 超现实的,离奇的artifact英[ˈɑːtɪfækt];美[ˈɑːrtɪfækt]n. 人工制品,手工艺品trippy英['trɪpɪ];美['trɪpɪ]adj. (如)由致幻药引起幻觉的pyrotechnics英[ˌpaɪrəˈteknɪks];美[ˌpaɪrəˈtɛknɪks]n. 烟花制造;烟花施放n.出色的表现;炫示