Biden Calls Xi A 'Dictator' After Meeting; Senate Votes to Avert Shutdown

Bloomberg Daybreak: US Edition - Podcast készítő Bloomberg


On today's podcast: 1) Presidents Joe Biden and Xi Jinping emerged from their first meeting in a year betting that a handful of small victories will arrest a surge in US-China tensions that has unnerved neighboring nations and threatened global economic growth. 2) President Joe Biden said he still believed his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping was a dictator, casting a shadow over what both sides had characterized as their most productive meeting to date. 3) The US Senate overwhelmingly approved a temporary funding measure to avert a government shutdown, delaying a partisan clash over federal spending until the new year and leaving out emergency aid to allies Ukraine and Israel. 4) The Cleveland Browns announce QB Deshaun Watson is out for the season. Full transcript: Good morning, I'm Nathan Hager and I'm Karen Moscow. Here are the stories we're following today. We begin with the high stakes meeting between Presidents Joe Biden and she Jinping. They met for more than four hours on the sidelines of the APEX summit in San Francisco. President Biden called his discussions with China's leader some of the most productive he's ever had. I've been meeting with President Sheeshu's both us for vice president over ten years ago. Our meetings have always been canda stradeforward. We haven't always agreed, but they've been straightforward, and today build on the groundwork related over the past several months of high level diplomacy between our teams, We've made some important progress, I believe, and President Biden's words were echoed by President she China is ready to be a partner and friend of the United States. The fundamental princippos that we follow in handling China US relations are mutual respect, peaceful co existence, and wing wing corporation. China's president spoke there through an interpreter, but after the gathering, President Biden was asked whether he still considers China's leader a dictator. Look, he is. I mean he's a dictator in the sense that he is a guy who runs the country. That is collin Cocu based on formagart totally different than ours. And after President Biden's remark, China's Foreign ministry called the statement extremely incorrect and irresponsible political manipulation. Well Nathan asked for the actual meeting, Both Biden and Shi jinping Is say they reached a number of agreements. Bloomberg's ed Baxter has that part of the story, as well as fentanyl. High on President Biden's list is opening communication between the country's militaries. We're reassuming military to military contact direct contacts. As a lot of you press know follow this that's been cut off and it's been worse, and that's how accidents happened. Biden also saying the two agreed on finding ways to control ai Biden also says he was assured that China has no plan to invade Taiwan. Now. She did say that he told Biden that the US should not have plans to suppress China and also ask for sanctions to be removed. In San Francisco, I'm at Baxter Bloomberg Radio, and thank you. Some of Wall Street's elite attended dinner with Si Jinping. Black Rocks Larry Fink and Stephen Schwartzman of Blackstone were among the top executives seated at the Chinese leader's table, according to a program seen by Bloomberg News. Other big names and attendance were Apple's Tim Cook, Bridgewater associates Ray Dalio, and Pesla says Elon Musk also met with President she yesterday. Well Nathan some major developments out of Washington to avoid a government shut down. In a late night vote, the Senate overwhelmingly approved the House's short term spending bill. Bloomberg's Amy Morris reports from Washington. President Biden is expected to sign the bill that will extend government funding at current levels through two deadlines, one in mid January, the other in early February, but the bill did not include aid for Israel nor Ukraine. Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer says that will be lawmaker's next priority after the holiday break. Both sides genuinely care about approving aid to Israel and Ukraine and helping innocent civilians in Gaza, so I hope we can come to an agreement even if neither side gets everything they insist on. And now the risk of partial government shutdown moves to January as House Speaker Johnson faces criticism from within his own party because he did not include deep spending cuts or changes to immigration policies. In Washington, Amy Morris Bloomberg Radio, Thank you. We now turned to the latest developments in the war in the Middle East. The Israeli military says it found a Hamas command center, weapons and technological assets at the Alshifa Hospital in Gaza City. Middle Eastern countries, including Jordan and Turkey, have condemned the raid. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking through an interpreter says he makes no apologies for sending troops in. But we were told that we would not reach the outskirts of Gaza city. We arrived. We were told that we won't end to Shifa, but we entered, and in this spirit we say simple thing. There is no place in Gaza that we will not reach. Prime Minister Natanya, whose comments come as The Washington Post reports discussions are underway on a potential deal that would see Hamas free fifty women and children hostages in exchange for an extended pose and fighting, and the release of some Palestinians held in Israeli prisons. Well, Nathan, we turned to the markets now, and shares of Cisco plunging, the drop coming after it gave a disappointing forecast. We get more from Bloomberg's Doug Prisner CEO Chuck Robbins, who's trying to rea doue Cisco's dependency on one time sales of equipment by pushing deeper into software and services such as security. But the transition isn't complete enough to cushion Cisco from smaller corporate budgets, and the company is now projecting the weak environment. Will Linger because customers are taking a break from new orders to installed gear they've already received. In New York, I'm Doug Prisner, Bloomberg Radio. All right, Doug. Thanks, and Cisco's shares are down nearly eleven percent in the pre market. Earnings continue this morning, with the nation's biggest retailer reporting. Get a preview of that from Bloomberg's Tom Busby. Walmart's expected to report that sales growth slow to four percent last quarter. That's less than half the pace from just a year ago as consumers pulled back on their discretionary spending, but sales of food and healthcare products should be resilient and outpaced demand for that general merchandise adjusted ernis per share estimated to be a dollar fifty two total revenue of one hundred and fifty nine point one three billion dollars. Tom Buzby, Bloomberg Radio, all right, Tom, Thanks. Well. In Europe, shares a Berber down almost nine percent. The UK luxury retailer is warning this year's revenue target maybe out of reach after sales barely grew in the most recent quarter. And Karen, we have a big deal for chocolate lovers this morning. US Candy company Mars, has agreed to buy the UK's Hotel Chacalott Group for more than six hundred and sixty million dollars. That price tag represents one hundred and seventy percent premium to Hotel Chachalot's closing price yesterday. All right, Nathan, thanks, it's time now for a look at some of the other stories making news around the world. For that, we're joined by Bloomberg's Amy Morris. Amy, Good morning, Good morning, Karen. US. Capitol police officers say one person was arrested following protests outside Democratic National Convention headquarters in Washington, DC as part of a pro Palestinian rally. Protesters got into a shoving match with Capitol police officers that arrest being made for assault. Six Capital officers also suffered minor injuries. Pepper spray was used on protesters and DNC members were evacuated. Billionaire Elon Musk endorsed an anti Semitic post on x the social media site that he owns, that attacked members of the Jewish community for pushing dialectical hatred against white people. Musk said in his reply to the post, quote you have said the actual truth. Musk has repeatedly been criticized for promoting content attacking Jewish people at a time of rising anti semitism. After a year of strikes in Hollywood and the auto industry, now it's Starbucks turn. The union representing thousands of Starbucks workers is staging a one day walk out today, coinciding with the Red Cup Day. It's one of the coffee chain's busiest days of the year. Daisy feederspiel Bayer is a supervisor in Seattle. I really wish that I could be in there serving you coffee. I do, but with the drastic understaffing and the toll that that takes on our barista's Unfortunately, we have to push for better and we aren't getting that from Starbucks right now. Starbucks Workers United represents nine thousand employees at three hundred and sixty stores. They want better wages, benefits, and the right to bargain. The Thanksgiving travel rush is about to begin. Bloomberg's Nancy Lions with the latest The Transportation Security Administration says the official travel window lasts twelve days, beginning Friday and running through to the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. During that time, the TSA expects to screen twenty eight million passengers. John Bush is Federal Security Director for the TSA. The best tip we can offer is to ask everyone to arrive early for your flights. The recommendation is always two hours before domestic flight three hours before an international flight, and that's going to be even more important this coming holiday weekend. Bush says they do have the staffing and the technology in place to ensure that everything runs smoothly. In Washington. Nancy lyons Bloomberg Radio Global news twenty four hours a day and whenever you want it with Blueberg News Now, I maybe Morrison, this is Bloomberg Karen Amy. Thank you well. We do bring you news throughout the day right here on Bloomberg Radio. But now, as Amy said, you can get the latest news on demand whenever you want it. Subscribe to Bloomberg News Now to get the latest headlines at the click of a button. Get informed on your schedule. You can listen and subscribe to Bloomberg News Now on the Bloomberg Business app, Bloomberg dot Com plus apples, Spotify, and anywhere else you get your podcasts. Time now for the Bloomberg Sports Update. Here's John stash Hour. John Daren should be a good Thursday night game to kick off Week eleven in the NFL. It's an AFC North battle between the Bengals and Ravens in Baltimore. Both teams at four game winning streaks come to an end this past Sunday, losing right at the end of their game. Cincinnati beaten by Houston, and the Ravens blew a two touchdown lead and lost to Cleveland. The Baltimore quarterback is Lamar Jackson. Every game is a musk win for us, you know, not just cousin is in a division game, but we we definitely, I believe our team is definitely a lot hungrier just for more happened Sunday in a division loss in the closed game. We definitely hungry as well. So the Clinton Browns had that big win in Baltimore, led by their quarterback Deshaun Watson. He was fourteen to fourteen of the second half. He battled an ankle injury, and yesterday it was learned that his season is over because of a fractured shoulder. He needs surgery. He's had shoulder problems before. Justin Fields has been out three games with the thumb injury in Chicago. He's expected to return on Sunday NBA in Philadelphia, Battle in the East and the Celtics beat the Sixers one seventeen to one oh seven. Facing Tatum led the way twenty nine points, eight rebound, six assists. The Celtics are nine and two. The Sixers were eight and one. They've now lost their last two. Milwaukee beat Toronto for the new Buck Damian Lillard thirty seven points thirteen assists. The Wizard struggles continue a home loss to Dallas one thirty to one seventeen. The MAVs are nine and three. The Wizards are two and none. The Knicks but one by two in Atlanta. John stash That were Bloomberg Sports from coast to coast, from New York to San Francisco, Boston to Washington, DC, nationwide on Syrias Exam, the Bloomberg Business app, and Bloomberg dot Com. This is Bloomberg Daybreak. Good morning, I'm Nathan Hager. We've made some important progress. We heard those words from President Biden after his first meeting in more than a year with the leader of the People's Republic of China, Shi Jinping. President says two leaders are restoring military to military communications and they plan to keep talking at the highest levels in the United States, will continue to compete vigorously at the PRC, but will manage that competition responsibly so doesn't veer into conflict for accidental conflict. That was President Biden after his more than four hours sit down with China's leader on the sidelines of the APEX summit in San Francisco, and joining us with more from Singapore is Berg News Managing editor Derek Wallbank. Derek, it's good to have you back with us this morning. Going into these talks, the White House said just talking would be a deliverable. What kind of deliverables can we say We're gleaned from this gathering between Presidents s Biden and shape Well, Nathan, they certainly talked. You know. Yeah. It's funny because in that relationship here, we've seen ebbs and flows between real, real static, real problems, and and times when it has seemed maybe a little bit sunnier, maybe a little bit more placid. I borrow an observation that Singapore's Foreign minister made last week at the Bloomberg New Economy Forum here in Singapore, which was that you shouldn't on US China relations confuse weather with climate. Things might look a little bit more peaceful right now, certainly in the face of this meeting that seemed to go mostly okay, But the for all climate of the US China relationship is still one with a lot of tension points. There were not major fundamental issues resolved here. This is not like we have a giant breakthrough on Taiwan, for example. So so whether a little bit nicer climate overall still very much progressing in the in the in the ways that it was sticking with the weather analogy, I guess maybe one dark cloud in that otherwise sunny gathering could be that question that the President received from a reporter when asked whether he still considers China's leader a dictator, and he basically said yes, he did, he said, he said emphatically yes. And and look, this is one of those things where China does take offense to this. You know, they don't like the term, they don't like it being used about them. But at the same point, the thing I think that bears watching is whether or not China blow it up into a whole big thing and says, right, well, this is some offense and we want to change the tenor of our leader to leader engagement or the relationship more broadly, it doesn't initially seem like that is happening. Remember Joe Biden said this before, and we're still on a path where they've gone to me, she went to the United States. That's actually something that's a big symbol for this meeting. So I'm not sure that that's necessarily going to derail everything here. Where I think it's much more likely if you were looking for risk problems is to look in the South China Sea, specifically off the coast of the Philippines, and some of the territorial disputes that are there, some of the trade disputes that are there. Those are places that I think are potential fracture points. But look, if you're sitting there saying are things a little bit better in the relationship between China and the US than they were this time yesterday, the answer is yes, they are a little bit better. You're going to see maybe some small tangible things including possibly, let me say, you might see some pandace come back to the US. We did hear that mentioned right by the leader of China. But when it comes to those small steps in our last minute here, Derek, what are some of the broader issues that could still lead to some of these overarching tensions that we do continue to see between the US and China. Well, I think, you know, on the good side, you've seen that the US and China are trying to do a little bit more on reducing fentanyl. On the good side, you are seeing Biden said they're agreeing to talk a little bit more military to military, and Biden said that they had an open line between the two of them. If one calls the other, they'll pick up the phone. But I do think on that broad thing, that the broad issue of trade, the broad issue of of China's state craft and military ambitions, those are real fracture points, and those are as I say, structural climactic fracture points, and that's going to be something that these two countries are going to have to very carefully manage going forward to make sure that they don't actually escalate. This is Bloomberg day Break Today, your morning brief on the stories making news from Wall Street to Washington and beyond. Look for us on your podcast feed at six am Eastern each morning, on Apple, Spotify, and anywhere else you get your podcasts. You can also listen live each morning starting at five am Wall Street Time on Bloomberg eleven three to zero in New York, Bloomberg ninety nine to one in Washington, Bloomberg one six to one in Boston, and Bloomberg nine sixty in San Francisco. Our flagship New York station is also available on your Amazon Alexa devices. Just say Alexa Play Bloomberg eleven thirty plus. Listen coast to coast on the Bloomberg Business app, serious XM, the iHeartRadio app, and on Bloomberg dot Com. I'm Nathan Hager and I'm Karen Moscow. Join us again tomorrow morning for all the news you need to start your day right here on Bloomberg Daybreak See for privacy information.

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