Shabbat 99 - June 13, 21 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 99

Today's daf is sponsored in honor of Judy Berman to celebrate her birthday. Your dedication to the daf is inspiring and we love you so much. Love, your children. And in memory of David Meir Shavit ben Shlomo Lipa z"l by his children who have joined the daf yomi learning, whose yahrzeit is on Shabbat.  

In what way was the covering of the Tabernacle made of goat hairs more unique than the one made of colorful threads? What were the exact dimensions of the wagons that carried the beams and the space in between? The banks of a pit or a rock that is 4x4 and 10 handbreaths tall is a private domain and one is obligated for placing an item on top of it. Several questions are asked regarding placing items from a public domain or a pillar or wall in the public space that is tel handbreaths tall - doesn't it past through an exempt place (above 10 in the public space) before getting there - so maybe one should not be obligated. What if it was a wall that wasn't 4x4 wide and first functions as a wall of a carmelit and then became a wall of a private space - is the wall considered a private domain? What is the creation of the private space happens at the same time as one is moving something from it to the public space? 



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