Shabbat 98 - June 12, 20 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's shiur is dedicated to Elana Rand by her family. 

One is not obligated for moving an item in the public domain if it is covered as that is not the way it was done in the Tabernacle. How can that be, if Rav said in the name of Rabbi Chiya that underneath, on the sides and in between the wagons is considered the public domain and those spaces are covered either by the beams or by the wagon? The gemara delves into the details of the size of the beams, the wagon, the wheels, the space in between wagons, in order to answer the question. There is a debate whether the beams were as wide at the top as they were at the bottom or were they one handbreath at the bottom and one finger's width at the top? What are the ramifications of each opinion?

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