Shabbat 97 - June 11, 19 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 97

What was Tzolfchad's sin according to Rabbi Yehuda ben Beteira, if he wasn't the wood gatherer? Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Yehuda ben Beteira also disagree regarding Aaron - did he get leprosy also with Miriam? One who accuses one of sinning if that person is innocent, is punished through the body. This is derived from Moshe. How? One who throws an item from one private domain to another through a public domain, there is a debate whether they are obligated by Torah law or not. Is the debate within ten handbreaths of the ground but above ten, all would agree that one is exempt or is the debate above 10 and below ten all would agree that one is obligated? Do they all agree that going through airspace is considered as if it had rested in that domain or is that a subject of debate? Do they all agree that we do not learn throwing from passing or is that a subject of debate? If one owned both private domains, one can throw and item from one to the other even with a public domain in between. What is the source for the law of levud, that a space less than 3 handbreaths is not viewed as a space but is perceived as if it is closed. If one passes an item from one public domain to another public domain through a private domain, one is obligated but only if the private domain had a roof. Then it is viewed as if it rested there. A statement was passed down in the name of Shmuel that Rebbi obligated in public to public through private two osin offerings - one for taking out and one for bringing in. This contradicts another statement of Rebbi and therefore Rav Yosef says the statement was made about Rabbi Yehuda instead and proves it from a braita. However his proof is rejected.  The gemara tries again to prove is it Rabbi Yehuda but is not able to prove it. One who intends to throw an item 8 cubits but throw for or vice-versa - what is the law? Is one obligated?

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