Shabbat 95 - June 9, Sivan 7

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's shiur is sponsored in honour of Rabbanit Yehudit, Judith Levitan, of Sydney Australia, who just received semikha from Yeshivat Maharat. Mazal Tov, may your wisdom, intuition and Torah learning continue to shine and bring inspiration and knowledge to others - from Jordana Hyman. And by Rebecca Schwarzmer in memory of her grandmother Ruth Friedman Cohn, Rachel bat Chaim z"l, whose yartziet is today and her mother, Linda Cohn Brauner, Leah bat Netanel ha'Kohen z"l whose yartziet is tomorrow. 

One who braids, puts on eye shadow, or a dough like substance to redden the cheeks or gel type substance in the hair - is it forbidden by Torah or rabbinic law and for what melacha? One who milks or prepares cheese for what is one obligated and is it forbidden by Torah or rabbinic law? What about sweeping or puring water on the ground or taking honey off  the honeycomb? Is it forbidden to pull out something from a potted plant? Does it matter if the pot has a hole or not. Rabbi Shimon doesn't distinguish. The gemara questions him and tries to assess if he would change his mind in certain situations. What are the different sizes of holes in earthenware vessels that are significant for various law of purity/impurity? 

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