Shabbat 94 - June 8, 16 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 94

Today's daf is dedicated in memory of Dvora bat Moshe vRachel z"l by Josh Kirsch and by Michael Lawrence in honor of his wife, Lisa's on her birthday. He is very proud of your dedication to learning daf yomi and wishes you many more years of continued learning "ad meah v'esrim."

If one carries out an item less than the requisite amount in a utensil or a live person on a bed, the utensil/bed is considered insignificant compare to the item/person and one is therefore not obligated for carrying it out as the item is less than the requisite amount and one is not obligated for carrying a live person as the person can carry him/herself. If one carries out a part of a dead body or impure item, if the amount was the amount that causes impurity in that item, Rabbi Shimon and tana kama (Rabbi Yehuda) debate if one would be obligated as this is a melacha sheaina tzricha legufa. Rashi and Tosafot disagree regarding the definition of melacha sheaina tzricha legufa. According to the braitia, one who removes a food in a utensil and has intent also to remove the utiensil is olbigated for both - how can this be - shouldn't one only need to bring one sin offering for carrying? Rav Sheshet and Rav Ashi bring different answers. A live person/animal who can carry themselves - is one obligated for carrying them or not? Rabbi Natan and the rabbis disagree in the case of animals - do they also disagree regarding humans? In which cases does Rabbi Shimon hold that one is exempt for melacha sheaina tzricha legufa. One who removes haris from a leprous mark is obligated - how many hairs? Does it depend how many were there in the first place? Does doing a partial act count as on its way to a whole act and therefore deemed significant or not? One who bites or picks off one's nails on Shabbat or pulls out hairs - Rabbi Eliezer and the rabbis debate whether or not they are obligated by Torah law. Does it depend if one did with a utensil or by hand? Does it depend if the nail was already coming off?  

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