Shabbat 91 - June 5, 13 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 91

Today's daf is dedicated by Raie Goodwach in memory of her mother, Rivkah bat Chaim v’Peshka z”l and by Nava Flesh in memory of her father Oriel Pozeilev ben Miriam and Avraham z”l.

How far do we take this issue of obligating one who fulfills one's intent even if it is atypical? Would it help to exempt someone also? If I consider an item important, would others be obligated for carrying it? What if the intent changed between the moment of removing it from one domain and placing it in the other domain? Rava brings various questions regarding this issue. If one brought an item from one's house into the threshold which was a karmelit and then to the public space, is one obligated? On what does it depend? If one brought a basket from a private space to a public space but some of the basket was still in the private domain, is one obligated? Is the basket viewed as one whole or not? On what does it depend? How do Chizkia and Rabbi Yochanan each understand the mishna? 

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