Shabbat 90 - June 4, 12 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is dedicated by Nina Black in memory of her mother, Sophia bat Avram v'Esther z"l, who would have appreciatedthat her daughter is learning Daf Yomi.

Do different spices join together for the requisite amount? On what does it depend? There is a difference in the requisite amount for raw materials than for items that are already ready for use or planted vs. not yet planted. The gemara tries to determine what are the cleaning materials mentioned in the mishna. The mishna continues with the requisite amount for items like pepper, tar, sanctified items eaten by worms/bugs, and a debate regarding accessories to idols. Why are each of these items obligated for any amount - what are they used for? A peddler carrying a basket with many different items is only obligated one sin offering. What is the amount for seeds? What about grasshoppers - live or dead - kosher or non kosher? Did you know that kids played with grasshoppers? Hairs from animals tails - how many? What were they used for? If one stored an item, one is obligated even if the amount was smaller than the requisite amount. What if one changed one's mind about it? What if one forgot for what purpose it was stored? 

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