Shabbat 89 - June 3, 11 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's shiur is dedicated by Leah Brick in memory of Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm who was a champion of woman learning Torah. Leah thanks him for all that he has done for the entire Jewish community and for the kindness he has always shown to her family in particular.

Why was the Torah given to humans and not to angels? Why was Moshe worthy to have the Torah called "Moshe's Torah"? How did Satan trick the people into believing that Moshe was not coming down from the mountain and led them to worship the golden calf? Why was it called Sinai? What other names was it called and why? The gemara moves on to the next topic from the mishna of the red wool that was tied around the scapegoat. It is learned out from a verse in Ezekiel. Why is scarlet in plural form? The verse is used to elaborate on a potential conversation between the Jews and God about whether or not our forefathers would go out to bat for us and would rebuke us in a sympathetic manner. Another similar drasha is brought from a different verse showing that Isaac is the only one who would be sympathetic. The next mishna continues with the amount one is obligated for carrying wood, spices, materials used for dying and for cleaning.  

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