Shabbat 88 - June 2, 10 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Josh Adler in honor of Dr. Rebecca Eisen's graduation from University of Toronto Medical School. Mazel tov! May our learning merit an end to the violence going on now in America. 

The gemara brings more sources that raise questions on Rabbi Yosi or the rabbis opinion regarding the day the Torah was given. Then drashot regarding the giving of the Torah are brought. Some discuss whether the Jews were forced into acceptance of the Torah. Others discuss the fact that they first said "we will do" and then "let's hear what it says in the Torah." What is the greatness of the Torah and of the commandments that were given at matan Torah? A number of drashot relate to the connection between angels and the Jewish people at the giving of the Torah from a number of different perspectives. A midrash is brought that describes the scene in heaven when Moshe goes up to get the Torah and the angels ask why is God giving the Torah to humans. God tells Moshe to answer. What is Moshe's immediate reaction? 

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