Shabbat 83 - May 28, 5 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 83

This week's learning is sponsored by Joy Benatar in memory of Miriam David, Malka bat Michael and Esther z"l. She would have loved to study in a worldwide, non-denominational, non-gender segregated Jewish community. 

Today's daf is sponsored in honor of Jeff Cohen's 40th birthday. Happy birthday!

Raba and Rabbi Elazar disagree about what type of impurity idols have. The gemara analyzes the different opinions and raises questions from other sources. A few questions are raised regarding parts of idols carrying impurities and the minimum size of an idol required for passing on impurities. From where is it derived that a boat is not susceptible to impurity? Two answers are brought and the gemara discusses in whcih cases there would be a difference between them. The gemara ends with the importance on not missing a day in the beit midash adn teh importance of learning Torah. 

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