Shabbat 82

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 82

Rav Huna teaches his son that learning about issues related to health and particularly going to the bathroom is central to Torah. If one has the option to wipe on Shabbat with a shard or with a rock, which is better? A rock or grass? Other health issues related to constipation are brought up in the gemara. What size shard is one obligated for carrying - 3 opinions. Which is larger? The ninth chapter starts with a question relating to the source for impurity for idols. Rabbi Akiva and the rabbis have a debate in Masechet Avoda Zara what level of impurity they have. Raba and Rabbi Elazar disagree about the details of the debate between Rabbi Akiva and the rabbis. 

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