Shabbat 81 - May 26, Sivan 3

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 81

Today's shiur is dedicated by Joni Brenner in honor of Rabbi Shuli Passow for introducing her to daf yomi. 

What is the size of a bone, a piece of glass, or a rock or stone that one would be obligated for carrying on Shabbat? By which use of these items is the size determined? Even though rocks are generally muktze, the rabbis allowed one to carry them for wiping in the bathroom (in those days rocks were used as toilet paper). What size rocks were permitted to be carried on Shabbat for this purpose? What items can't be used on Shabbat for wiping? If one has a regular place for going to the bathroom or not, does that effect how many rocks one can carry? One can use a small mortar used to crushing spices to wipe with on Shabbat, but according to Rav Sheshet, only if it has signs that it was used in the past to wipe with in the bathroom. Is it really OK to use something that was used in the past to wipe with - isn't that unhealthy and can cause disease? Three answers are brought. What if the rain washed off any dirt from previous uses? Can one carry rocks to the attic to be uses for wiping or is that considered extra work on Shabbat that would be forbidden? It is permitted because of kavod habriot - human dignity. Under what circumstances does human dignity not permit mutzke items to be moved on Shabbat? Why is there a difference? One cannot use a plowed field as a bathroom on Shabbat - why not? Can one use a rock that has grass growing on it for wiping? Can one use an earthenware shard for wiping?

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