Shabbat 80 - May 25, 2 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's shiur is dedicated by Don Nadel in memory of his mother, Zisa Risa bat Aliya HaCohen z"l on her yahrzeit. 

What is the requisitve amount for carrying ink - does it matter if it is in dried form, in a quill or an inkwell? Rava brings a number of laws that deal with combining partial acts that independently would not obligate one but together could. Rabbi Yosi says if one takes a partial amount into one public domain and another part into a different public domain, one is not responsible. What distinguishes one public domain from another - various opinions are brought. Eye shadow for one eye - is that meant for medicinal purposes or for beauty? The gemara briefly discusses a number of the items listed in the mishna. In the beginning of the mishna, Rabbi Yehuda brought a smaller amount than the rabbis - why in the cases of earthenware shards did he bring a larger amount? The gemara delves into the issue of lime - why did they use it on girls? What is the amount that Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Nechemia list in the mishna? Does Rabbi yehuda also here obligate for a smaller amount? Teh mishna continues with amounts for carrying earth, fertilizer, fine sand, coarse sand and reeds. There are some debates between Rabbi Akiva and the rabbis.

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