Shabbat 77 - May 22, 28 Iyar, Yom Yerushalayim

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 77

Today's daf is sponsored by Danielle Barta in honor of her mother - "she inspired me to start learning Daf Yomi with Hadran and insipires me to always be the best me! 

What is the ratio of water to wine used to make wine? How does this effect the requisite amount required for carrying out wine? What is the requisite amount of congealed wne that one would be responsible for carrying? Since the mishna used the words "gemia" the gemara wants to know if it was written with an ayin or an aleph. The gemara then asks that same question regarding a number of other words.  The gemara asks questions regarding the requisite amounts mentioned in the mishna and are left without answers (teiku). Nothing is creating in this world without a purpose. Several creatures are listed and their purpose is explained. There are small creatures that can scare larger creatures. Rabbi Zeira finds Rav Yehuda in a good mood one day and asks him all sorts of questions regarding things in nature and why they were created in that way. He also asked him the etymology of a number of words in Aramaic. The mishna says the amount of oil to put on a small limb - a small limb of a small person or of a grown person?

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