Shabbat 75 - May 20, 26 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 75

The gemara continues discussing the 39 melachot. Rav Zutra says three halakhot - one connected to sewing and two forbidden learning or associating with a Persian amgosh/priest (two different interpretations what that is) and a Jew who knows how to understand weather and constellations and doesn't use that knowledge. If one catches snails and opens them up to remove the gland to make techelet dye, for what is one obligated? Is threshing forbidden only in items that grow from the ground? Why wasn't killing the snail mentioned? Is one who slaughters obligated also by coloring the animal with the blood? Why are both tanning and salting listed - isn't salting part of the tanning process? Is salting meat an outgrowth of tanning or does tanning not apply to foods? What are outgrowths of smoothing, cutting and the final blow (make be'patish).  Is one obligated tfor writing or erasing a large letter that takes up the space of two? The next mishna delves into carrying - for what type/size items is one obligated - is it objective criteria that determine it is an item of importance or is it subjective? 

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