Shabbat 74 - May 19, 25 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 74

Today's daf is dedicated in memory of Harriet Sommer, Hindel bat Zissel z"l,  by Eric Sommer and by Francine Shraga in honor of her daughter Sarah on earning her PhD. Congratulations! We are all so proud! Love, Mom, Dad, Rose and Dov.

Why are certain actions perfomred in the Tabernacle (mishkan) on the list of 39 melachot and others are not? Laws of selection (separating good from bad or bad from good) are discussed in a braita but in a very unclear manner. The gemara bring five explanations. The gemara tries to assess if really one is allowed to select good from bad. What are toladot of grinding? Why did the mishna write baking instead of cooking? Rav Acha says that one can be olbigated for cooking by putting object/utensils in an oven or pot like a peg or tar to prepare it. One who crafts a barrel, oven or wicker basket is obligated many sacrifices - for what actions? Rashi and Rav Hai Gaon disagree about which ones, partially based on a debate about whether one can be obligated in building for crafting a utensil. When in the Tabernacle did they do the acts of tying, untying and tearing?

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