Shabbat 7

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 7

Shoshana (Rhoda) bat Yehuda Leib Polachek z"l. 

Why is a valley mentioned in the Tosefta like a carmelit but in the mishna is Taharot, it is listed a a private domain? Gwo answers are brought. What is a karpaf and what are the laws relating to carrying in it? If there is a brick standing up in a public domain and it's 3 tefachim tall, if one throws something 4 amot in public and it lands there, is one obligated? What about other spaces in the public space that people don't generally walk through - ar they considered public or not? A karmelit is until 10. What is the meaning of that? What law of karmelit are like a public space and what are like a private space? If a space has walls 9 tefachim tall but the ceiling is one tefach thick, what are the laws regarding that space? What if one dug a whole one tefach deep and 4x4 wide in that space? This is called chorei reshut hayachid. What are the laws regarding chorei reshut harabim - holes in public areas. Rava and Abaye disagree and Abaye's opinion is questioned. 

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