Shabbat 68 - May 13, 19 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 68

Today's daf is sponsored by Natalie Taylor in memory of Rabbanit Rachel Taylor z"l whose 90th birthday would have been on Lag Baomer and for all her descendants to continue learning Torah. It is also sponsored by Ruti Amal for a refuah shleima for Rachel Permouth who is ungergoing a serious surgery today.

How many sin offerings is one obligated in the case where one forgot that there was a concept of Shabbat and did "work" on Shabbat over a course of many weeks/years? What if one forgot that today was Shabbat? What if one knew it was Shabbat but forgot that one cannot do melacha? The mishna details the laws in each case and calls it "a big rule." Why does it use that language? Where else is that language used? Rav anf Shmuel disagree with Rabbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish regarding the case of a tinok shenishba (a young child taken captive by non Jews) or a convert who lived only among non Jews (or possibly converted among non Jews) and never knew abotu the concept of Shabbat. The gemara grapples with each opinion. Basic issues underly the discussion such as where is the border between shogeg (unwitting) and ones (entirely not responsible)? Why is knowledge so important? 

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