Shabbat 67 - May 12, 18 Iyar, Lag Baomer

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's shiur is dedicated for a refuah shleima for Ilana Leah bat Esther and David Binyamin ben Duba Feiga by Candace Plotsker-Herman.

The gemara continues to list incantations for various diseases or to protect from evil spirits. The mishna deals with carrying out objects that are used as segulot for protection. Rabbi Meir allows them and the rabbis forbid using them even on a weekday, as they are methods used by the Emorim, non Jews whose ways we are forbidden to follow. Abaye and Rava says that if they are used for medicinal purposes one is allowed to follow ways of non Jews. There is a debate whether or not some of these things are actually idol worship. Can we use any incantations or other methods mentioned in the gemara nowadays? Where does one draw the line between incantations and prayer? 

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