Shabbat 65 - May 10, Iyar 16

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf and this week’s learning is sponsored in memory of Betty Minsk, Batsheva Rut bat Shalom and Faige z”l, by her daughter, Elisa Hartstein.

Today's shiur is sponsored in memory of Rhonda Mlodinoff by Becca Nagorsky. And in honor of Mother's Day, in honor of Debbie Pine - Happy Mother's Day from your children. We are so proud of your dedication to Torah and Am Yisrael. Love, Sarah, Danielle & Zachary Orenshein. And by Karolyn Benger in honor of all the mothers who are learning and teaching.

Are things that are forbidden for concern about marit ayin, because of what others may see and misunderstand, also forbidden in private spaces? The gemara explains more in details about allowing to go out with cotton in ones ears, one's shoe and to protect from menstrual blood. Does it need to be tied to the body? Some rabbis did not and what was the reaction of others? Shmuel's father forbade his daughters a number of things - one of them permitted by the mishna. Why? The gemara suggests that another one was possibly connected to his approach to two females rubbing against each other in a sexual manner - however this is rejected. The gemara deals with a contradiction in the mishna regarding prerifa, fastening a cloak using a rock, coin or nut.   

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