Shabbat 63 - May 8, 14 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 63

Today's shiur is sponsored in memory of Edwin Gilberg, Issur Ben Menachem Mendel v’Shenka Sarah z"l by Judy and David Gilberg and Yosef Flesh ben Miriam and Yitzchak z"l by Nava Flesh.

Men are not allowed to go out on Shabbat wearing certain items and if they do, it is forbidden by Torah law. Which items? Are weapons considered like jewelry and are permitted or not? Ifin the times of the messiah there will no longer be weapons, does this prove the weapons are not considered like jewelry as they are only worn when needed? The gemara brings various drashot regarding Torah scholars who learn in the "right" way will be rewarded. Other statements are brought - what is the best way to give charity, why is someone who has a bad dog in one's house considered to be preventing chesed, and what is the verse in Kohelet "one should be happy in one's youth..." referring to? What is a "birit" mentioned in the mishna. How is it different from "kevalim"? From where do we derive that an item that is woven is suscpetible to impurities at a very small size? And the same for jewelry.


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