Shabbat 62 - May 17, 23 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 72

Today's shiur is dedicated for a refuah shleima to Leah Naomi bat Rachel by Deborah Dickson. We are pleased to be part of International Women's Talmud Day that is taking place today with Talmud learning events throughout the day. 

What is the law regarding the guilt offering for one who has relations with a designated maidservant numerous times - does one bring a separate guilt offering for each time if he was made aware of his sin in between each act? On what does it depend? If someone intends to perform a permitted act on Shabbat and ends up doing a forbidden act instead - like for example, one wanted to pick up something off the ground that was detached but instead lifted up and detached something from the ground, one is not obligated - this is called mitasek. What if one intended to cut something that was detached and in the end cut something that was attached (or according to Tosafot - one thought it was detached but it was attached)., Rava and Abaye disagree as to whether this person is obligated or not. Rava brings proof from a braita comparing Shabbat to other mitzvot and explaining that Shabbat is both more lenient and more stringent than other mitzvot. What is the "other mitzvot" referring to in these comparisons?


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