Shabbat 50

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

The month of Iyar is sponsored by Aviva and Benny Adler in memory of their fathers Yosef ben Zvi HaKohen, Dr. Joseph Kahane and Yehuda Aryeh Leib ben Yisachar Dov Barash, Ari Adler zichronam l'vracha.

Today's daf is sponsored by David & Judy Gilberg in memory of Judy's mother, Elsie Cohn - Eshka Bat Aryeh Leib v’Chaya Zissel z"l, by Francine Shraga in memory of her father Dov Ber ben Yosef HaCohen z"l and by Ilene Strauss in memory of Leah bat Yaakov v'Yittel z"l.

Muktze is dependent on intent of the owner of the item. Is one's intent viewed as stronger if showed by actions or if one had intent in one's mind? If actions, what type of action is needed? The gemara brings several opinions. What if no action would be revelant for a given item? The gemara gets off on a tangent regarding the prohibition of smoothing something on Shabbat during the process of washing or also causing hair to fall out by washing with certain substances. The gemara explains the debate at the end of mishna regarding removing items that were insulated in a basket - how can one do it if it is insulated in soemthing muktze? Some other issues relating to muktze are discussed. 

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