Shabbat 49

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 49

Today's shiur is sponsored in memory of Shlomo Chaim Asher ben Luna Sol z"l by Yael Asher. 

Items that can be used to insulating foods when dry but not moist - do we mean moist from something external or from within the item? Which items can be used for insulation? Due to a mention of dove's wings, the gemara tells the story of Elisha ba'al knafayim (wings) who wore tefillin even though the Roman decreed against wearing them and he was saved via a miracle having to do with dove's wings. From him we learn that tefillin require a "clean body." The mishna describes items that one can use for insulating and discusses if they can be moved or are they muktze? If they can't be moved, hwo can one remove the food? Hides of animals are permitted to be moved - but do they mean a regular person or even a tanner who uses them for business purposes? From where do we derive that there are 39 forbidden melachot on Shabbat? Two answers are brought. Rava teaches about wool that was used for insulating that it is not muktze. A student on his first day in the yeshiva questions Rava from the mishna and Rava corrects his teaching. 

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