Shabbat 47

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 47

Today's daf is sponsored by Elana Storch in appreciation of Hadran. Thank you for giving us the chizuk and continuing to inspire us, the women of Hadran daily with a love of learning.

Rebbi allowed carrying a coal pan with ashes. Why? Isn't it a utensil that is used for something forbidden? Three answers are brought - two of which are rejected. Is muktze subjective? Can something be muktze for someone and permitted for someone else? Can one put together a collapsible weaving loom or other collapsible item? There seem to be different opinions about this. On what might it depend? One can put something under the lamp to catch sparks - why? However one can't fill it with water as that will extinguish the sparks. Is that true only if one holds like Rabbi Yosi who thinks that indirect extinguishing is forbidden? Rav Ashi thinks that this is actually considered directly extinguishing. What materials can one not use for wrapping food - hatmana - even before Shabbat?

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