Shabbat 46

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 46

This week’s shiurim are sponsored by Eva Schwartz in memory of her mother Hilde Schwartz z"l who still is a daily inspiration to her family.

Today’s shiur is sponsored by Carolyn Ben-Ari in memory of her father Ivor Rhodes, Yisrael ben Meir and Sarah z"l on his tenth yarzheit. And by Yael Asher in memory of Miriam Pesia Flesh bat Malka z”l. And as today is Yom HaShoah, in memory of all those who perished in the Holocaust.

Rav Yosef originally thought that Rabbi Yochanan held like Rabbi Shimon. Abaye questions this based on a story with Rabbi Yochanan's student who didn't move a candelabra. Rav Yosef explains that a candelabra is different and that case wasn't reflective of Rabbi Yochanan's position regarding the Rabbi Yehuda/Rabbi Shimon debate on muktze. Rebbi gave a ruling about a candelabra, however it was unclear what he ruled - to be lenient or stringent? There were different opinions among amoraim regarding wether to hold like Rabbi Shimon or Rabbi Yehuda regarding moving a lamp after it burned out. Would Rabbi Shimon hold in a case of a lamp with naphtha since it has a terrible odor that it would also be forbidden after it burned out? Several contradictions are brought regarding Rabbi Shimon's opinion - a firstborn animal that became blemished on Yom Tov that cannot be slaughtered because one did not assume it would become blemished. Why is that case different? Rabbi Shimon forbade moving a lamp while lit, presumably because it would extinguish, however, Rabbi Shimon himself would not think that was an issue as it was a davar sheino mitkaven - one did not intend to extinguish it. This is resolved by saying that the reason Rabbi Shimon forbids is because it serves as a base for a forbidden item. 

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