Shabbat 45

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 45

Today's shiur is dedicated by Di Gittel Kuchar on her father, Michael Neuhauser, Moshe ben Avraham and Rivka z"l's first yahrzeit. He had a love of learning which his family continues. And for the birth of a grandson on Israel who was given his name at the brit on Friday. 

The gemara concluded that Rav held like Rabbi Yehuda regarding muktze. After bringing a proof for this, the gemara questions this assumption from a different source. But it is resolved. There are various discussions and opinions regarding cases where even Rabbi Shimon would hold there is a law of muktze. Is it only in a candle while it is lit - mutzke because it is designated for a mitzvah? Or only figs and dates that are clearly set aside not to be eaten? Animals in the wild? There is also a debate regarding whether Rabbis like Rebbi and Rabbi Yochanan held like Rabbi Shimon or not? 

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