Shabbat 43

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 43

Today's shiur is dedicated in memory of the yahrzeit of Devorah Waiman of London, who was a huge fan and supporter of women's participation in Jewishe life and would have really enjoyed participating in the daf learning, from her granddaughter Sarah Waiman. 

The gemara brings two different undertandings (Raba and Rav Yosef) of Rav Chisda's opinion regarding in which situations one can protect an egg from breaking on Shabbat. The answers reflect two different approaches to the mishna - why is it forbidden for one to place a utensil under the candle in order to catch oil that is dripping. Is it because one cannot move a utensil for the purposes of something that cannot be moved on Shabbat or is it because one cannot render a utensil unable to be used on Shabbat. Abaye raises questions from tannaitic sources against each position and they are all answered. Rabbi Yitzchak brings a different approach to Rav Chisda forbidding all cases of protecting eggs unless one moved the utensil for a permitted purpose initially. The reasoning follows Raba's position. The gemara raises questions on Rabbi Yitzchak also from tannaitic sources and resolves them. How can one move a dead body to protect it from rotting in the sun? 

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