Shabbat 42

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 42

Today's shiur is dedicated in memory of Natan Zvi ben Moshe Yehuda Leib Zeiger z|l by his daughter Dr. Robin Zeiger and his son-in-law Prof. Jonathan ben Ezra.

How can we say that Shmuel holds like Rabbi Shimon who permits performing a melacha in a case where one had no intention to do the melacha if in another case, he doesn't hold like Rabbi Shimon - if there is burning metal on the street one can extinguish it but not if it is a burning wood coal. The gemara answers that it is not the same category. The issue with the coals is what we call a melacha sheaina tzricha legufa - it is not done for the purpose that it was donein the tabernacle. Shmuel held like Rabbi Yehuda in that debate and like Rabbi Shimon in the other debate. There is an argument between Beit Hillel and Beit Shamai and Rabbi Shimon ben Menasia regarding whether one can put hot water into cold or cold water into hot. Does it depend on what type of utensil - cup or bathtub? What about a basin?On what issue does Rabbi Shimon ben Mensai disagree with them or is he actually disagreeing about their debate? Spices cannot be put in a kli rishon - a utensil that was on the fire but can be put in a kli sheni. Is sal;t the same as spices or do they cook in less time? In more time? Laws of muktze are discussed - can one put a utensil under the oil that one set up for candles - in order to catch the oil that spills? Is it allowed if it was set up before Shabbat? In what way is one allowed to protect eggs that hatch on Shabbat (which are muktze) from being stepped on by people? The gemara distinguishes between common cases (one is allowed to) and less common cases (one is not permitted). The gemara questions that premise. 

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