Shabbat 39

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 39

Today's shiur is dedicated in memory of Rabbi Gershon Schwartz, Harav Gershon ben Shmuel V'Sarah z"l on his 17th yahrzeit by Moshe Schwartz and by Rabbi Seth Phillips in honor of the Daf Yomi learners of Allentown, PA.

It is forbidden according to everyone to cook with something heated up by a fire (toldot ha'or) but there is a debate between the Rabbis and Rabbi Yosi regarding cooking with an item heated up by the sun. What is allowed to be placed in hot water on Shabbat and on what is one allowed to pour water that was heated up? Is the pouring referring to a kli rishon or a kli sheni? If Rabbi Yosi permits items cooked by the heat of the sun, why does he agree with the rabbis that one cannot place an egg in the sand to cook? Why is the story of the people of Tiberias brought? Is it telling us the Rabbi Yosi agrees with the rabbis in that case also or does Rabbi Yosi side with the people of Tiberias, against the rabbis. Are the hot springs of Tiberias considered toldot ha'or (fire) or toldot hachama (sun)? When the rabbis said that the water that was heated through the acqueduct in Tiberias was forbidden to use for washing, what washing was he referring to? The whole body or one's face, hands and feet? Each interpretation is difficult and the gemara suggests that the mishna is not referring to washing but to pouring water on oneself and holds like the most lenient of the opinions on the topic - Rabbi Shimon. Rabba bar bar Chana holds that Rabbi Yochanan held like the middle opinion - Rabbi Yehuda. Did he infer that from something that Rabbi Yochanan said or did he hear it stated explicitly? Why does it matter?

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