Shabbat 38

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 38

This week's shiurim are dedicated by Caroline Ben-Ari in appreciation of the Hadran community of Rabbanit Farber in particular and for a refuah shleima for all who need it.

If one forgot and left the pot on an open fire from before Shabbat, can one eat the food on Shabbat? Is there a difference if it was done on purpose or by accident? A braita is brought with opinions of Rabbi Meir and Rabbi Yehuda and they seem to be different than what was brought in the previous daf regarding the difference between foods that improve if left on the fire and foods that don't improve. Which foods are in the category of "if they stay on the flame longer and shrivel, it is good for them"?  The gemara discusses returning food on Shabbat - it is unclear whether they are referring to food that was taken off the fire before Shabbat and one wants to return it on Shabbat or to return Shabbat morning? Under what conditions can one return items to the fire on Shabbat? There are a number of debates regarding requirements - does it still need to be in one's hands and can't be put on the ground?Does one need to have intent to return it? Does one need both? Until now, we have been discussing a type of oven/burner called a kira. What about an oven (wide at the bottom, narrow at the top) or a kupach. What is a kupach? How does it differ from a kira? Can one place items near an oven just not on top of it or inside it? Can one cook using something that was heated by the sun or by a fire? 



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