Shabbat 34 - Daf for the First Day of Pesach

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

דף נלווה שבת לד

The mishna recommends that a husband should ask his wife before Shabbat starts if she tithed the produce and set up an eiruv and if so, she should light the candles. What things cannot be done once the time of twilight (bein hashmashot) has arrived? What things can still be done during this time period? The gemara resolves a potential contradiction in the mishna regarding eiruv. What is hatmana? What type is forbidden even before Shabbat and what type is permitted even during twilight. Why? Twilight is considered a time that is maybe day, maybe night or maybe both. What is the tannatic debate regarding when exactly is twilight? What is the relevance for this time of doubt regarding impurity of a zav? Raba and Rav Yosef have a disagreement about how to understand the time of twilight according to Rabbi Yehuda, as his words seem to include contradictory statements and each resolves it in a different way. This disagreement is consistent with their opinion regarding the length of time that twilight spans. 

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