Shabbat 27

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 27

Today's shiur is dedicated by Chanah and Michael Piotrkowski in memory of Chanah's beloved father Avigdor Yosef ben Zvi Hirsh z"l and by Allison Ickovic for a refuah shleima for her little girl Zoe Arielle bat Rachel Yael.

From where does Rava derive that according to Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar all cloths that are 3x3 tefachim are susceptible to impurities? How does Abaye respond to this proof? There is a back and forth discussion between Rava and Abaye to match the berses according to each one's interpretation. Abaye brings a braita from the school of Rabbi Yishmael that contradicts the braita in the previous daf from the school of Rabbi Yishmael. One says that all materials other than linen are not susceptible to impurities at any size and the other one says that all materials are susceptible to impurities are 3x3 tefachim (handsbreaths). Three answers are brought (Rava, Rav Papa and Rav Nachman) to resolve this contradiction and for each one, the gemara raises questions. The mishna talks about all items that come from the tree itself - one cannot light with them and a covering made from something that comes from a tree would not create a tent for purposes of impurity of a dead body if it was used as a covering. The only expception to this rule is flax. Does flax come from a tree?

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