Shabbat 25

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 26

Today's daf is sponsored by the Vega/Gordon Family in Philadelphia in honor of Hadran for helping them to be "kove'a itim" with the daily daf and by Judy Shapiro in honor of Hadran for making Torah learning so accessible and engaging, and by Ruti Amal for a refuah shleima to her grandmother Anna Smirnova. 

The gemara continues to discuss the nature of sap and oil of the balsam tree, regarding its flammability by bringing a story of a mother-in-law who used this to help kill her daughter-in-law whom she did not like. What can be learned from this seemingly strange story? One cannot light using untithed produce that became impure. From where is this derived? Another reason is given as to why one cannot light with sap from a balsam tree. Several other opinions are brought regarding oils that can or can't be used for lighting Shabbat candles. Rabbi Yochanan ben Nuri is not pleased that others forbade so many types of oil as various types of oils were limited in certain areas and this made it difficult for people to find oil with which to light. A braita is brought regarding susceptibility to impurity of a cloth made from items that come from trees - are they susceptible to impurities? Does it matter which type of material the cloth is made from? What is the minimum size if they are susceptible?

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