Shabbat 23

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 23

Today's shiur is dedicated by Heather Stone in memory of Debbie bat Shirley z"l, the best friend of her Aunt, Debbie Stone, who passed away before Shabbat from COVID19. 

The gemara concludes that the mitzva is the lighting of the Chanika candles and not placing them down. Women are obligated in the mitzva of the Chanuka candles as they too were part of the miracle. In what way? Best to use olive oil for lighting Chanuka candles, even though all other oils can also be used. Same with preparing ink. How many blessings does one make on Chanuka candles? Which ones? What about a person who sees Chanuka candles? Do they make blessings? Which ones? How can be say the blessing "who commanded us" if Chanuka is not a Torah obligation? What is the determining factor for which rabbinic commandments we make blessings and on which do we not? If one has two different entraceways for one's courtyard, does one need to light in both entrances? On what does it depend? Why are we concerned about what others will think - where is there precendent for that? It is learned from pe'ah - the mitzva of leaving the corner of one's field for the poor. How? What has precedence (if one can't afford all) Shabbat candles, Chanuka candles and woine for kiddush? The gemara relates good things that will happen to people who light Shabbat and Chanuka candles (and some other mitzvot). The gemara explains what is "sereifa" oil mentioned in the mishna gives two different explanations as to why it is forbidden.  

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