Shabbat 2

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 2

Masechet Shabbat is sponsored by a group of women from Kehilath Jeshurun, Manhattan in memory of/lilui nishmato of Elliot Freilich, Eliyahu Daniel ben Bar Tzion David Halevi z"l. Today's shiur is sponsored for a refuah sheleima for Chaim Yeshayahu ben Shprintze Faygel.

The masechet starts out with laws of moving things from one domain to another - why? In order to be obligated by Torah law for this, one needs to both uproot the item from one domain and place it an another. If one did the uprooting and another person did the placing, neither is obligated by Torah law, but the rabbis forbade it. The mishna mentions eight possible situations that can occur with one person passing something to another in a different domain and specifies in each case whether each person is obligated or not. The gemara asks why our mishna mentions eight cases when the mishna in Shevuot that mentions our issue in a list of other issues, only mentions four. Which four and why only those four? Two answers are brought but one is rejected.


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