Shabbat 19

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 19

Today's daf is sponsored by Margie Zwiebel in memory of her father Yitzchak ben Yechiel Eliezer z"l and for a refuach shleima to Yaakov Yehuda ben Chana and Esther Roisa bat Sara Mindel by Debbie and Ben Zion Niderberg and for Elimelech ben Malka by his daughter, Jeanne Klempner and for Amalia Sigal bat Faigel Rut and Chaim by Rabbi Shosh Dworsky - wishing Amalie a full and speedy recovery and refuat hanefesh to her loving family.  

Does one have to sell one's chametz with enough time for the non Jew to eat it before Pesach? Can one send letters to be delivered for a  non Jew if he might deliver them on Shabbat? Does it make a different if a price was agreed upon in advance? Why? Can one travel in a boat within a few days before Shabbat? Can one besiege a city? One can learn how to not get taken advantage of by store owners from the rabbis - see how through a story told of Abaye. Why do Beit Shamai allow placing the beam in the olive and wine press before Shabbat, even though they don't allow anything else? Rav and Shmuel disagreed regarding whether certain items are muktze or not, based on an earlier debate between Rabbi Shimon and Rabbi Yehuda. There are also two different opinions regarding what one can do in case of a fire to save one's items from burning - can one only carry out items in one basket or can one carry out items in multiple baskets. 

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