Shabbat 154 - August 7, 17 Av

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 154

Today's daf is sponsored by Leslie Jakoby Green in honor of the first yahrzeit of her wonderful father, Alexander Jakoby, A"H Yehoshua Aryeh ben Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen. He survived starvation, hardship and the Dachau Concentration Camp as a teenager. He persevered to build a new life in New York, along with his wife Rose, also a survivor, and to impart to his children and grandchildren a love of Judaism and a belief in the destiny of Jewish people and Eretz Yisrael. He is deeply missed and forever in our hearts. And by Deborah Aschheim for the 40th yartzeit of her beloved father, David Aschheim, z"l on 17 Av. An ardent Zionist. He would be amazed by all the learning now available to women, especially his public school educated daughter.

Does one who leads a donkey with its load on Shabbat get punished and if so, what punishment? Three different opinions are brought. Rav Huna says that if the animal was carrying glass vessels, one brings pillows and blankets and unties the rope around the vessels and they fall without breaking. The gemara asks several questions on Rav Huna. Rabban Gamliel didn't remove a load from his donkey on shabbat and the donkey died. The gemara questions his actions. One cannot use animals on Shabbat but can one use the sides of the animal. Raba and Abaye disagree and questions are brought regarding each approach.

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