Shabbat 147 - July 31, 10 Av

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 147

Today’s daf is dedicated by David and Margie Zweibel in memory of David’s father, Yehuda Aryeh ben Moshe z”l and by Ayelet Hermel in memory of her grandmother Rivka Regina bat Faiga and Efraim z"l. 

The mishna and gemara go over all sorts of actions that are either permitted or forbidden due to concern/no concern that one may do something forbidden or because it may be considered uvda d'chol - a weekday activity. Can one do something where it may look like to others that one has laundered? If it is forbidden can one do it where no one will see? Do we generally say that anything forbidden because of marit ayin, what others may think, is forbidden even where others may not see? Can one wipe off one's clothing - it that consdiered laundering? On what does it depend? How subjective it this? If one dried off with a towel after washing in the river, are we worried if we allow them to take it home, they may wring it out? Can one rub oil on one's body? On  what does it depend? In te context of discussiong pleasurable things one does for one's body, the gemara references the story of Rabbi Elazar ben Arach who did not follow the rabbis to Yavneh and stayed in his city to engage in pleasurable activities and forgot all of his Torah. 

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