Shabbat 143 - July 27, 6 Av

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Can one clear bones and peels off the table? Are they considered muktze? Beit Shamai and Beit Hillel debate how this can be done. Each one sides with either Rabbi Shimon and Rabbi Yehuda regarding whether we have a narrow definition of what is muktze or a wider one. Rav Nachman says there's a mistake regarding who said which opinion. Can one use a sponge on Shabbat? Does one need to be concerned that one may squeeze out liquid? There is a debate between Rabbi Yehuda and the rabbis regarding squeezing fruits. Both agree that juicing fruits is forbidden but they disagree regarding liquids that come out of the fruits on their own. There are different opinions regarding what categories of fruits they disagree about - ones that are mainly used for their juices, ones that are mainly used for eating or possibly only those in between. 

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