Shabbat 139 - July 23, 2 Av

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's shiur is dedicated by Mark Goldstein in honor of Rena Septee Goldstein, his wife of 38 years and his daf yomi chevruta.

The gemara discussed the problematic nature of having corrupt and arrogant leaders. The people of Baschar ask a number of questions regarding building a canopy on Shabbat, planting hops in a vineyard (issue of kelaim, mixing diverse kinds) and burial on Yom Tov. Rav Menashia tells them that all are forbidden because he is worried about the "slippery slope" as they are not "bnei Torah." Since all these things are allowed only in a particular manner or particular circumstances, he is concerned and they will not properly understand the nuances and think it is allowed across the board. People had non Jewish children plant their hops. Why can't one have Jewish children who are not yet obligated in mitzvot? There is concern that they will think they can also do it when they get older. The gemara brings cases where one can employ artifice to do something like build a wine strainer and claim to use it to hold pomegranates. Rav Ashi says it is allowed only if one actually uses it for pomegranates. In a similar situation, that wasn't necessary - the gemara explains the difference between the two cases. When it comes to rabbinic law, we allow a talmid chacham to use artifice because we are not worried that he do it without artifice. One can filter clear water and wine. What mechanisms can be used to filter the wine? The gemara explain how Rav Papa's family would strain beer (they were beer brewers).

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