Shabbat 13

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - Podcast készítő Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Shabbat 13

Today's daf is sponsored by Karolyn Benger in memory of her father Bernhard Benger, Dov ben Tzvi z"l and by Rena Septee Goldstein and Mark Goldstein in memory of Moe Septee, Moshe Ben Elazar Shmuel z"l and by Irine Schweitzer in memory of her grandmother Hasya bat Rachel and by Sharona and Binyamin Aranoff in memory of their grandmother, Mollie Chideckell, Esther Malka bat Zeev Wolf z"l who inspired them with her dedication to Limud Torah. 

The gemara deals with the case of the chazan - what is permitted and what is forbidden for him to do? Why? The zav can't eat with a zava at the same table lest they come to sin. What can we learn from the fact that they didn't say a pure person can't eat with an impure person? Can a nidda sleep with her husband in the same bed each fully clothed? The gemara brings several sources to try to answer this question. Is being fully clothed enough of a distinction to remind them? What is required for one to assume that people will remember or remind each other - whether it relates to eating milk and meat together or a couple having sexual relations together when the wife is a nidda? A woman whose husband died young tries to figure out why. Eliyahu asks her details and discovers that during her seven clean days they were more leninent regarding certain things and that must be why he was punished. The mishna talks about the day the rabbis sat in the attic of Chananiya ben Chizkiya and there were more people from Beith Shamai than Beit Hillel and they determined halachot like Beit Shamai and instituted 18 ordinances. The gemara tells us a few things about Chananya that he wrote Megilat Taanit and also resolved the contradictions in Yechezkel and saved the book from being "taken out." The gemara starts to list some of the 18 ordinances, all relating to purity and impurity and items that can disqualify teruma.

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